Members of the Public

In an emergency, contact the Police by calling 999

If you are concerned about an adult who is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect (including self-neglect), please contact the Adult Safeguarding Team:

Call 01983 823340 during office hours (Mon – Thu 8.30am – 5pm, Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm)

Or report a safeguarding concern via the IW Council’s website:

Out of Hours call 01983 821105
Please only use this number outside of office hours when in crisis and when immediate response is needed.


In an emergency, contact the Police by calling 999

Professionals should use the Safeguarding Concern referral form below, emailing this to:

If you have any questions about the form or reporting process, please email

Please do not send Safeguarding referrals to the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board.

Referrals for Children

In an emergency, contact the Police by calling 999

If you are concerned about a child who may be at risk of abuse or neglect, please contact Children’s Reception Team on 0300 300 0117 (available 24 hours a day).

You do not need to know everything about the child or young person and what is happening before contacting Children’s Services.