A range of policies, procedures, pathways and support covering a variety of areas.

Click a category button to jump to a section.


Cancer and Domestic Abuse: a toolkit for professionals

This toolkit is designed for healthcare professionals working with people affected by cancer. It can help you to identify and respond to signs of domestic abuse affecting patients and carers.

For advice and support, or if you are worried about yourself or someone else:

Domestic Abuse Referral Pathway

This pathway, created with oversight from the police, health services, the victim care hub, adult and children’s social care, commissioned providers, and the wider domestic abuse partnership, explains domestic abuse and outlines clear steps for making referrals. A jargon buster is included to clarify terms.

The pathway ensures a coordinated response to domestic abuse, enhancing safety and support for all affected individuals. Professionals are encouraged to share and utilise this referral pathway to support victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

Hampton Trust

Hampton Trust is one of the most respected and innovative UK providers of work in the field of domestic abuse and criminal justice. We are committed to rebuilding lives by addressing the root cause of domestic abuse and criminality.

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Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriage & Female Genital Mutilation

A guide to how 4LSAB agencies respond to incidents (crime and non-crime) where Honour Based Violence (HBV), Forced Marriage (FM) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) may be a consideration.

Isle of Wight Safe Accommodation Strategy 2024-2027

Our goal is to ensure that all victims and survivors of domestic abuse, including children, can access and be supported by safe accommodation-based services. This strategy accounts for the unique factors of the Isle of Wight and the changing housing landscape. It provides a framework to address challenges and leverage opportunities.

IW Council Resources

The IW Council Domestic Abuse web page has guidance for professionals and members of the public, and information about awareness campaigns or events.

MARAC / HRDA Meetings

MARAC and HRDA meetings provide appropriate services for those involved in domestic abuse.

MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) is a monthly meeting, usually on the first Wednesday. Representatives from Police, Health, Social Care, Housing, IDVAs (who represent the victim), and other specialists share information about high-risk domestic abuse cases. They use this information to create plans to protect the victim, safeguard children, and manage the perpetrator’s behaviour.

HRDA (High Risk Domestic Abuse) meetings are held every Tuesday and Thursday and are , chaired by Police/MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) with various agencies attending. They discuss most high-risk new referrals to ensure timely responses and interventions for families affected by domestic abuse, and refer cases to MARAC if needed.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Are you experiencing domestic abuse? You are not alone

Contact the freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247


Paragon offer support, advocacy, advice, guidance and information to women, men, and children as victims and survivors of domestic abuse and for those people who cause harm to others in their relationships.

Phone: 0800 234 6266

Violence Reduction Partnership Toolkit

The Violence Reduction Partnership Toolkit aims to support professionals working with children, young people, adults and their families, and is endorsed by Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Safeguarding Adult Boards.

The Toolkit is free to access and available to practitioners from any agency/organisation in the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton areas.

Fire Risk and Vulnerability Training

A presentation by Laura Cane-Andrews, Safeguarding Lead Officer, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service.

9th January 2025

Fire Risk Assessments in Social Care: A Public Health View

A presentation by Dr Mohammed Jawad, Consultant in Public Health, and Dr Manasi Panda, Senior Public Health Practitioner 4LSAB Fire Safety Development Group.

16th October 2024

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4LSAB Risk Assessments

4LSAB Multi-Agency Fire Safety Framework

Safe and Well Visits

Our free home fire safety visits can support vulnerable members of our community to ensure they are protected from fire risks.

4LSAB Fire Safety Development Group – Case Referral Form

The Fire Safety Development Group (FSDG) is a partnership led by Hampshire & IOW Fire & Rescue, and works to ensure that fire safety risk management is embedded into partner working practices to reduce people being killed or seriously injured in fires.

Agencies can refer cases to the Fire Safety Development Group for the purposes of review and learning.
The referral form below contains details of referral criteria.

Fire Safety Development Group Learning Briefing 2023

Learning from FSDG case reviews for cases occurring between April 2022 and March 2023.
Thanks to H&IWFRS Safeguarding Lead Officer Laura Cane-Andrews for providing this information.

Fire Safety Development Group Thematic Review 2019-2021

Data analysis of 39 fire incidents between 1st January 2019 and 31st December 2021. Issued in September 2022

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Emollients Safety 2021

Both paraffin and non-paraffin emollients can act as an accelerant when absorbed into clothing and exposed to naked flames or other heat sources. So it’s vital to stay aware of the risks and take precautions.

This short briefing gives important information on emollient safety:

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4LSAB Guidance on Safeguarding Adults in Commissioned Services

This guidance aims to provide a clear framework to respond to safeguarding concerns occurring in regulated NHS and Social Care settings. The framework recognises that promoting wellbeing and protecting safeguarding adults against abuse and neglect is an integral part of the commissioning and contract processes and is underpinned by the six safeguarding principles.

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4LSAB Multi-Agency Framework for Managing Allegations Against People in a Position of Trust

To develop a consistent approach and promote best practice across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, the 4LSAB have established a joint framework and process for how allegations against people in positions of trust should be responded to.

Persons in a Position of Trust (PiPOT)
Lunch & Learn 20th Nov 2024

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4LSAB Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy, Process and Guidance

This document aims to support partnership working and good practice in adult safeguarding across the whole of the 4LSAB area.

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4LSAB Multi-agency Framework for managing risk and safeguarding people moving into adulthood

This 4LSAB Framework is supported by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnerships covering the 4LSAB area, and aims to strengthen safeguarding support for young adults aged 18 years with pre-existing vulnerability and risk factors as they move into adulthood.

It is recognised that safeguarding arrangements for young adults need to take account of their distinct safeguarding needs.
This Framework is designed to:

  • complement existing safeguarding arrangements, ensuring these are relevant to safeguarding at risk young people
  • support effective partnership working and good practice in this complex and challenging area of safeguarding work
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4LSAB Safeguarding Concerns Guidance

The purpose of the 4LSAB Safeguarding Concerns Guidance is to support the decision making and reporting of adult safeguarding concerns, in order to impact positively on outcomes for people with a need for care and support, who are at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect.

This framework sits alongside the 4LSAB Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy, Process and Guidance 2023 and draws on the Care Act 2014 and accompanying statutory guidance and connects to the LGA and ADASS framework ‘Making decisions on the duty to carry out safeguarding enquiries’.

National Safeguarding Concerns Quick Guides (produced by the Local Government Association):

ADASS Supporting Carers Hub

A resource for social care teams or other organisations working to support unpaid carers in communities throughout England.

APSP (Abuse of Position for a Sexual Purpose)

A video of an APSP awareness session, run by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary in October 2023

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Cuckooing Resources

The following resources have been designed to improve awareness of cuckooing victimisation, encourage professional and public curiosity, and improve reporting and intervention.

With thanks to the University of Leeds School of Law

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Family Approach Protocol and Toolkit

The Family Approach Protocol was jointly commissioned and developed by the 4 Safeguarding Children Boards (4LSCBs) and 4 Safeguarding Adult Boards (4LSABs) in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton.

The toolkit is free to access and available to all practitioners from any agency/organisation working with children, adults with care and support needs, and their families across the 4LSAB areas.

HSCP Toolkits

The updated Adopting a Family Approach Toolkit is now live on the HSCP website.

Mental Capacity Code of Practice

MCA 2005 CodeOfPractice cover

The Code of Practice offers guidance for those working with or caring for adults who can’t make certain decisions themselves. It outlines their responsibilities when making decisions on behalf of these individuals, especially focusing on those who have a duty of care to someone unable to consent to the care provided.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) says certain people must be aware of the Code of Practice when acting or making decisions on the other person’s behalf. This includes:

  • an attorney appointed under a lasting power of attorney (LPA)
  • a deputy appointed by the Court of Protection 
  • an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate 
  • a person doing research approved in accordance with the MCA 
  • a person who acts in a professional capacity for, or in relation to, people who can’t make decisions for themselves 
  • a person who is paid to act for/in relation to people who lack capacity.
NMCA Competency Framework cover

The National MCA Competency Framework is recommended for use across all partner agencies. This Framework identifies a training pathway for different levels of staff, and includes a blended approach to training methods. It also reflects the importance of supervision to support and assess competency and confidence of staff in the application of the Mental Capacity Act.

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Mental Capacity Act Tool Kit

The Mental Capacity Toolkit website is part of a wider research project funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing

Person-first Language Guide 2024

This resource has been developed for use amongst leaders, managers, frontline practitioners and volunteers. It aims to provide guidelines on how to use language to empower individuals and reinforce a person-first approach.

Transitional Safeguarding & Why Does it Matter

Tricky Friends – Isle of Wight

A short animation developed by Norfolk SAB to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do.

Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board logo

Webinar: Windows of Opportunity

Equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills to understand the risk continuum, effectively engage with adults at risk, and identify concerns early to provide appropriate support.

Presented by Jane Hughes, Adult Safeguarding Consultant, Making Connections IOW Ltd

Pressure Ulcers: How to Safeguard Adults

Guidance on how to respond to individuals at risk of developing pressure ulcers, prevent harm where they occur and raise a safeguarding concern. [Updated Jan2024]

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4LSAB Multi-Agency Hoarding Guidance

Care Providers: Visiting Professional Observation Tools

As part of the work the commissioning team do to make sure that all our care providers are working to the highest quality, we ask that visiting professional observation tools are completed.

These should be filled out after every visit to a home care or bedded care provider and then sent to ASC@iow.gov.uk. Once these forms have been completed and sent to the ASC inbox, they also need to be returned to the providers within 5 days for them to sign.

These forms will help us to ensure that all Island residents who are receiving care are safe and well looked after.

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Homelessness – 4LSAB Housing Practitioner Briefing

This briefing note has been produced within the context of Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) recommendations which have highlighted the complexities of achieving effective engagement between professionals and people experiencing homelessness, where care and support needs may be present.

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Multiple Exclusion Homelessness – a safeguarding toolkit for practitioners

This toolkit aims to improve multi-agency support for individuals who have an appearance of need for care and support and are experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH). It does not replace local or national guidance but can help guide practitioners to relevant resources, helping agencies:

  • Determine accommodation-based support needs
  • Recognize common risks related to care and support, including those associated with Multiple Exclusion Homelessness
  • Evaluate multi-agency risk management options
  • Identify necessary actions and responsible parties to mitigate foreseeable risks within the legal framework
writing papers PD

This section contains:

  • Local Learning Briefs
  • SAR (Safeguarding Adults Review) Reports
  • Thematic Reviews
  • National SAR Library (link to external site)

Local Learning Briefs

SAR (Safeguarding Adults Review) Reports

Thematic Reviews

Neglect Thematic Review (July 2023)

Safeguarding in a Pandemic

Thematic Review: Safeguarding People with multiple needs – Executive Summary (October 2023)

National SAR Library


The library allows practitioners to search all SARs that have been published nationally. 
The National Network has provided guidance on how to use the library and the search terms available.

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Briefing: Myths and Realities about Making Safeguarding Personal

The briefing addresses misconceptions about Making Safeguarding Personal. It’s not just about safeguarding practices but also about prevention and both strategic and operational safeguarding. It encourages relationship-based and strength-based approaches.

The briefing is for frontline workers and managers in any organization involved in safeguarding adults. It’s also for leaders at all levels and local councillors. Anyone interested in safeguarding adults can use it because ‘safeguarding is everyone’s business’. It can be used to start discussions in teams, partnerships, workshops, or conversations.

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Case Studies

These case studies illustrate outcome focused practice in safeguarding adults in line with the Making Safeguarding Personal approach. They are from nine council areas who put forward case studies.

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LGA Resources

The Local Government Association (LGA) has a suite of resources which describe what ‘good’ might look like in MSP for a range of organisations, and promote ownership of this agenda within and across all organisations:

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MSP Toolkit

The toolkit is a web-based resource that includes narrative around specific areas of practice, tools and case examples to support learning and development. The resources can be used individually or built into learning and development activities within organisations.

The MSP Toolkit is hosted on the Local Government Association website:

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Making Safeguarding Personal: One-Minute Guide

One Minute Guide to Making Safeguarding Personal (Aug 2019)

Research in Practice Podcasts

A series of podcasts from Esi Hardy and Michael Preston-Shoot, exploring some of the myths around Making Safeguarding Personal.

Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority

Video resources from the GLAA & other external agencies:

Statutory Guidance for section 49 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015: how to identify and support victims

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Modern Slavery Partnership

The Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Modern Slavery Partnership is a multi-agency partnership, chaired and facilitated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). Governance is provided by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Local Criminal Justice Board.

This section contains a collection of short guides on various topics.

Prevent (Counter Terrorism)

Prevent is the name given to a national strategy which aims to stop people from becoming violent extremists or supporting terrorism. The strategy forms part of the Government’s CONTEST strategy, specifying that authorities have a duty to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. 

Safeguarding concern referral form

In an emergency, contact the Police by calling 999

Professionals should use the Safeguarding Concern referral form below, emailing this to: safeguardingconcerns@iow.gov.uk

If you have any questions about the form or reporting process, please email safeguardingconcerns@iow.gov.uk

Please do not send Safeguarding referrals to the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board.