17 July 2024 – 01 August 2024
APSP(Abuse of Position for a Sexual Purpose)

Hampshire and IOW Constabulary Anti-Corruption Unit will offer training sessions on APSP (Abuse of Position for a Sexual Purpose) on the following dates:
17/07/2024 | 10:00 | via Teams |
25/07/2024 | 10:00 | via Teams |
01/08/2024 | 10:00 | via Teams |
We will cover:
- The definition of APSP
- Recognise the importance of your role in identifying APSP
- Recognising warning signs to look out for with service users that could indicate APSP
- Show how to report concerns to ACU or Professional Standards
- Identify what details should be recorded in reports of APSP
- Identify how to apply for a review or appeal
To register, please contact: christopher.stevens-ballard@hampshire.police.uk